Monday, April 4, 2022

6th in the series  

Truth     <  Belief  >    Falsehood

   The serpent taught us how to do it.

   Hitler had his slogans: Starving kids was giving them a "low calorie diet." Euthanasia was "cleansing."  

   Radical Muslims have their own tricks: Shariah law is "liberation." "Armies bring peace." 

   Marxist Saul Alinsky, whose fans included Hillary Clinton, masked his agenda. If people have guns, abolish for everyone's safety. If only leaders have the guns, guns keep the peace.

   Propaganda is intelligent manipulation by an invisible government. 

   There are different forms: Hide the truth. Half truth. Distort truth.

   Select only the facts that serve the purpose. Tell them our "higher goal, good, rights, justice, moral, noble." 

   In 1929 Lucky Strike sought to double their profits by encouraging women to join in. Smoking women marched in a parade, demonstrating independence and equality with men. It worked.

   People of theft and mayhem justify it with the slogan, "No justice; no peace." 

   Pro-life citizens are "at war with women." Pro-abortion citizens "protect women's health." Killing preborn infants is "a woman's right to choose." 

   Russia invaded Ukraine and deliberately kills civilians, including kids, with "an operation to eliminate Nazis." 

   Isaiah wrote long ago: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

 Tomorrow: George Orwell's 1884


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