Tuesday, April 5, 2022

 7th in the series


   When Englishman George Orwell (his pen name) wrote 1984, that year was still way off. He died in 1950, but had seen enough of Nazism, Communism and kings to describe the totalitarian state. 

   His novel included people changing perceptions despite compelling evidence. Citizens would be ignorant of the facts, scientific proof and common sense. Sound familiar?

   We believe what we want to believe. So true. 

   They plug their ears, as did people in Jerusalem, who couldn't tolerate Stephen's scolding. 

   People look for information that damage the person. That's easier than dealing with the facts.  

   Outrage, not rational argument, sways the gullible. 

   2022 in America, we have those who would "defund the police," alleging they are unjust. They call their cause, "progress" and "justice." More likely, they want to replace government power with their own. 

   There is "spin" in politics. It's how they communicate. 

   Like the devil in Genesis, activists appeal to desires, not minds. Appetite is more powerful than reason. 

   How do trappers succeed? They conceal the trap. 

   "All issues are political issues," said Orwell. "Politics is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia." 

   "All liars" conclude the list of those bound for the fiery lake of burning sulfur," in Revelation chapter 21. 

   In the previous chapter, it is Satan who "deceives the nations." The liar behind man's lies. 


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