Friday, April 29, 2022

God Sends Young Daniel   

     Nebuchadnezzar not only took the best and brightest youth from Jerusalem, he took articles from the temple and placed them in the temple of his god, in the treasure house of his god. How insulting! 

     God wasn't concerned about nick-nacks, no matter how sacred. He was about to reassure his covenant people that this would not be Israel's permanent fate. Of course, it would be final for most of that generation. 

     He also provided prophetic visions of his sovereignty over nations

     After 70 years, very few of those taken to Babylon would see Judah again, when the Lord gave King Cyrus favorable disposition toward the Jews. That included a miracle too, Cyrus in scripture long before Cyrus was born.   

     There is no indication in his book that Daniel ever returned home.

     In Babylon, young Daniel was known for integrity, prayer, fasting and prophetic gifts. He avoided the world's ways. 

     The first miracle in his book: He and his friends resolved not to defile themselves with royal food and wine. He asked his guard quietly to give them only vegetables and water for 10 days, after which they looked healthier and better nourished than any who ate royal food. Just 10 days! 

     Next: The big one! The king had a very troubling dream. He consulted his magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers for an interpretation. They were eager to make up something, until he threatened them with their lives.

     Daniel, also condemned as one of the "wise men," apparently was privileged enough to approach the king and ask for time to pray about it. 

Monday: the interpretation

Or, read Daniel 2 for yourself


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