Saturday, April 9, 2022

                           IT'S ALMOST HERE                AND GOD SAID:      TUESDAY  >>>

Do You Believe in Miracles?

   We can learn from them. We have assembled something you likely won't find in a book store.

   Tuesday, we begin God's story in miracles, from Genesis to Revelation, summarized here in Views by the Sea

   Most of us would vote for a miracle when we or a loved one is in a tight spot, short of cash, or seriously ill.

   February, 1980. We were sick in bed listening to the radio broadcast of an Olympic hockey game between the USA and Soviet Russia. 

   Our team was a collection of college stars assembled for the Olympics. The Russians - whose assignment in life was to play hockey for the glory of communism - were four-time Olympic gold medal winners. 

   We don't know...maybe it was an exhibition. But, Soviet men had already tromped the boys soundly. Maybe they were overconfident. 

   With seconds to play in Lake Placid, NY, the U.S. leading 4-3, announcer Al Michaels asked in a level voice, "Do you believe in miracles?" Ever since, it's been called the "Miracle on Ice." 

   Awesome as it was, the game was a moment in history. The boys of Lake Placid soon will be on Social Security. 

   God who doesn't age...can we say..."skates along." No power on his earth - including demons - can overcome. 

   We believe, we win. We don't, we won't. 

   Over a couple weeks, Views will recap many miracles, including those yet to happen. If you follow us to the end, we believe you will believe at the end...of the Book. 

   God created earth, and he will someday uncreate it. You can believe it, and be glad. 



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