Friday, April 1, 2022

Truth     < Belief >    Falsehood

   Truth and lies compete in worldly affairs as well as religion. Truth has always had an uphill climb. 

   Hitler's career is among the infamous. He accomplished what he did with a clever, devilish plan. 

   One of his tactics cost the lives of six million Jews, and a few million others. Hitler didn't care about Jewish faith one way or the other. If Jews were the majority, he probably would have chosen a different group to slander. 

   (The devil wanted God's people dead, and he found a stooge.)

   Hitler wasn't concerned with Jewish culture and belief - he hated (devilish) communists also. He needed broad support for his takeover. Whether Germans were envious of successful, wealthy European Jews, we don't know. 

   But false accusations swayed the masses, and Hitler's speeches made them swoon. If hateful lies didn't suffice, fear of the Gestapo would. 

   Germans are good at doing good things, and they proved to be good at doing bad things. It helped Hitler that the nation was still reeling from the financial punishment allied nations imposed following WWI. 

   Not only was European Judaism wiped out, but Martin Luther's Christianity lost favor, as the church did little to oppose aggression. And where was God? The "Fuhrer" trampled Jews and others en route to his real goal: total conquest! Think of the coming antichrist.

Continued Monday



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