Sunday, February 16, 2020

  Jimmy's Double Vision No. 2  

NEW JIMMY: Hey, old self. Remember our talk? I see that you're doing okay.

OLD JIMMY: Hey, yourself. I'll be more than okay if you don't lecture me about spiritual things. What do you want now?

Oh, just checking in. We share the do I put are the body I live in. You are important to me...that is...until you die.

Know what, Mr. spirit? If it wasn't for my brain, my eyes to read the Bible and my ears to hear sermons, you wouldn't be...well, who are you? 

You are so right, old self. That's how it works. But, lots of people read and hear the Word without having a relationship with the Savior. 

So, I'm supposed to relate to the unseen? 

Actually, that's where I come in. Remember Saul of Tarsus, an expert in the old law who persecuted followers of Jesus? One day a light blinded him temporarily, and with his ears he heard Jesus speak. The Holy Spirit awakened his spirit, his heart, so that he knew instantly that Jesus is Lord. 

Jesus gave him a new name, Paul. He didn't go to the disciples to learn  more from them. He went alone into Arabia for three years and learned from the Lord himself. The gospel - good news - that he wrote about, mostly to Gentiles, came not from men but from revelation. 

Wouldn't it be neat if he had met with the Lord on Mt. Sinai, like Moses? But we don't know. His old way of life, traditions and habits - gone! 

You're not going to drag me to Arabia, are you? 

Naw. You're too old and besides, God didn't call me to do that. 

Well, halleluiah! 

Halleluiah indeed, old self.

Based on Galatians chapter 1

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