Wednesday, February 26, 2020

  The Promise  

Hi there, my old self. How goes it?

You know how it's going. What is it this time?

Oh, I was thinking about dad and what a nice father he was. He provided a home, took you places, to church, helped you with algebra, and made sure you behaved, at least in his presence. 

Yeh. I miss dad. For years after I left the nest, I still went home for advice, or just to watch football games with him. Now he's gone.

It's sad. But, there's great news. By grace, I have a heavenly Father - loving, all wise, all powerful...and He will never be gone. He is Life

That's okay for you.                                Jimmy's Double Vision No. 4

More than okay. In Genesis, Abraham believed God - not just in God - and received credit for his faith. No law existed. The Lord told him that future believers in all nations would be blessed.

Don't people have to obey God's laws to be saved?

God didn't issue laws until 430 years after his promise to Abraham. They teach us what the Lord wants of us. But since no one can obey perfectly, Holy God - who foreknew our disobedience - considered his own law a curse

So, all is lost. We're all under a curse.

Except those who have faith in Jesus, who nailed the curse to the cross...and rose again. I hadn't genuine faith until I received this truth by the written Word and also the Holy Spirit to represent Jesus in my heart, my spiritual self.  

By the way, all Jews and Gentiles, slave and free, male and female, are invited to become children of the eternal Father. Life without end.

Based on Galatians chapter 3

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