Monday, February 3, 2020

Sliding Scale of Power    

   How we prosper on earth is nothing compared to where we spend eternity. But since we care about our temporary lives...

   As we see it, there are two necessary components of a nation: Government - freely elected or dictatorial - and enterprise. Without both, it's third world. 

   Enterprise makes the world go 'round. The rest of us - including government employees - live, work and retire within its accomplishments.  

   Private enterprise knows there must be government control for justice, fairness, safety, self-defense, etc. Government knows there must be enterprise, or it would not enjoy its fruits as it does. 

   The question: Where on the scale does government's proper function end and enterprise becomes free and beneficial? Or, what percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) can government acquire (by taxation and regulation) before enterprise is unable to support general welfare. Never mind the billionaires. 

   That's the battle, and a Gettysburg of that battle is here in 2020.
   Presidential hopefuls - one or more - propose the following: socialism, Green New Deal, abolishing the electoral college, adding to (overtaking) the Supreme Court, ending private healthcare, Medicare for all, open borders, slavery reparations, free college education, universal basic income (no work required), printing more money and forbidding the use of fossil fuels.  

   Even if you support one or more of these ideas, understand that the needle will slide to benefit government at the expense of enterprise. We can achieve equality, as in Cuba, but there will be far less prosperity except for those in power, as in Cuba. 

   No matter how depressed things become, most politicians (worldwide) will never relinquish their power, barring a coup d'etat (stroke of state). Incidentally, that's what the Democrats just tried, absent the violence.

   Need foreign evidence? Don't miss Views this Tuesday and Wednesday.


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