Friday, February 7, 2020

Old Verses; New Discoveries   

Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being

  Major evolutionary changes require dozens of small changes to happen all at
  the same time, so statistically improbable as to be virtually impossible. 

He stretches out the heavens like a a tent. 

  The heyday of Darwin's theory took place in the absence of answers to basic 
  biological questions.

He who created the heavens, he is God, he who fashioned and made the earth.

  In 1859 we knew virtually nothing about the cell, molecules, the complexity of life. 

I am the first and the last. My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, 
and my right hand spread out the heavens. 

  Over time, the underlying science radically changed. 
  We learned about DNA, the genetic code, protein machinery and more.

The Spirit of the Lord made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

  Helpful mutations overwhelmingly break or degrade preexisting genes. 
  They're not making new genes. They're just throwing things away. 

For by him (Christ) all things were him and for him. 

  If there is any advantage in getting rid of something, natural selection 
  and random mutation will get rid of it. 

By the word of the Lord were the heavens made. 
For he spoke and it came to be; he commanded and it stood firm.

  The entire genomes of many different dog breeds have been sequenced. 
  Break a gene involved in growth, hair or facial shape, and a new breed develops.

God has spoken by his Son...through whom he made the universe.

  New scientific discoveries show how Darwin's mechanism works by breaking 
  down genes; devolution, not evolution. 

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God 
and the Word was God. Through him all things were made. 

Scriptures from Isaiah, Job, Psalms, Colossians, Hebrews and John.

Science by Professor Michael Behe, author of Darwin Devolution.

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