Sunday, February 9, 2020

Fact Checking the Pres 

   Unlike sourpuss Democratic lawmakers, we thought the State of the Union speech was pretty positive. And special guests were ... special! 

   Voters credit or blame presidents for whatever the economy does during their administrations. But business patterns, technological change and international economics play a major role. Presidents can control factors such as regulations and sometimes, trade agreements.

   POLITIFACT examined President Trump's claims and offered their assessment.

* Incomes and wages are rising fastest for low-income workers
Ruling: Half true. Many factors effect the data. It's not a simple calculation. 

* Trump enacted historic, record-setting tax cuts. Ruling: False. 
In inflation-adjusted dollars, the tax bill is the fourth-largest since 1940.

* We have created 7 million new jobs. Ruling: Accurate.
This includes the last two months of the Obama Administration.

* Unemployment for African- Hispanic- and Asian Americans are the lowest in history. Ruling: Accurate. 

* African-American poverty has declined to the lowest rate ever. 
Ruling: Accurate. The rate was 20.8 in 2018. Yearly data began in 1966. 

* America has 12,000 new factories. Ruling: Context. Manufacturing jobs fell by 12,000 last year. New factories began in 2013 and accelerated under Trump.

* 3.5 million working-age people have joined the workforce. 
Ruling: Context. 2.46 million of those were added under Trump. 

* The unemployment rate for women is lowest in almost 70 years.
Ruling: Accuate.  

* Real median household  income is at the highest level ever. 
Ruling: Accurate.  

* Workers without a high school diploma have the lowest unemployment rate in history. Ruling: Accurate. 4.8% in September.


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