Saturday, February 15, 2020

Drop Box Baby   
   An alarm went off at an Indiana fire department last month, alerting firefighters that someone had put a baby girl in the station's drop-off box. 

   The box is one of 24 installed by Safe Haven Baby Boxes across the country. Founder Monica Kelsey herself was abandoned as a baby. Now she provides an alternative for desperate mothers who otherwise might abandon them in unsafe places.

   This silent-alarm box was paid for by a high school student who spent more than a year mowing lawns and collecting scrap metal to raise $10,000.

New goal for NFL player   
   Benjamin Watson, black, father of seven, is working on a documentary, Divided Hearts of America. His goal is to tell "the truth about abortion, the laws and the history." 

   As for an actress who called new abortion restrictions "catastrophic" for women of  color, Watson says, "To claim that giving more children of color the right to be born will negatively affect 'women of color' reveals ignorance, racism or both. Don't patronize us." 

No restrictions, he says
   A Democrats for Life director asked 2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg if he could support more moderate language on abortion. After all, she said, Democrats are the party of diversity and inclusion.

   No chance. The former mayor told her that women should have unrestricted freedom to abort their babies. This is the same man who wants to decriminalize use of drugs.  

Learning from Jonah 
     1. You cannot outrun God.
     2. In trouble? Make the most of it; repent.
     3. God is the God of second chances.
     4. Stop waiting for God to tell you something different.
     5. Do we want the world to repent, or would we rather see it burn?



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