Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Jimmy's Double Vision  

OLD JIMMY: I don't get it. Why do you frustrate me so much?

NEW JIMMY: Well, old self of mine, let's talk. My wish is to please my Savior. 
That troubles you. Sorry, but it's not about you; it's about him. 

Life was okay until you showed up. I do what is right in my own eyes.
Years ago, I was troubled, perplexed and put down. But I worked things out. 
My health is good. My finances are sufficient...not always the case.
I never robbed or killed anyone. So what's wrong with that?

Actually, I like you better than I once did. God created you, and he wants you to take care of yourself. But someday you're going to die. Dust to dust. Get it? Mortal. Wasting away. You're like a jar of clay.

Yeh. Everybody dies. But I know what I like and what I hate.  I know what I can see, taste, hear, smell and touch. Now you're dragging me to church when I'd rather sleep in. Tithing when I'd rather spend it on myself. By the way, you haven't made me fast lately. Thanks for that.

You're right. I have need of much improvement. But you'll never understand me, because you're blind to spiritual truth. I am living with you, as God created you, me, be. When I gave my life to Jesus, He provided the Holy Spirit to awaken me. Now I'm a citizen of his Kingdom, with his treasure and light in my (spiritual) heart. 
A new creation. I'm expected to submit to him, and you're supposed to submit to me. 

What is truth? Don't expect me to obey you.

Okay, old Jimmy. Test me. Let's talk again next week. 

Based on 2 Corinthians 4        

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