Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Why Do Christians Differ?

     All humans have limitations. All have attitudes and preferences. All of us have carnality to some degree. We are imperfect, maybe hypocrites. 

     With that introduction, you either feel defeated, or angry with your blogger who doesn't know the real you. 

     In God's creation, the real you and the real me need forgiveness. And if we believe in life after death (and the second death), one or the other, there must be hope. We cannot achieve life by our own means. 

     Long ago we knew of a woman who said she had never sinned. Maybe she never committed any of the usual no-noes. Not likely. But unless her thoughts all her life were 100 percent in line with Holy God, she needed forgiveness. 

     There is the invisible church, universal. Then there are local churches, imperfect. Every church, because none of its members are perfect. 


     If left up to me, I would cancel the division, Old and New testaments. God through Moses and the prophets recorded what He was going to do. Centuries later, He did it! Then he gave men like Paul and John a mental view of things still to come. 

     God himself - surprise! - came to us as a child and one night years later turned himself into the authorities for execution. All to take upon himself the penalty for all our sins. 

     Let us never ever say we don't need his forgiveness! He arose from the dead; the Creator can do anything. Our response is to trust and obey. Every church. Every member. 

   To be continued

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