Saturday, September 2, 2023

Do We Need a New Right?  

From the book, UP from Conservatism

Revue by Daniel Suhr 

     "The Left rules every consequential sector of society, from education to the media, corporate America, Big Tech, and the federal administration. The Left even seems to own the top military brass. The courts and the Church are two exceptions. 

     "Several successes: welfare reform and school choice. America has made it 20-plus years without a terrorist attack. The Supreme Court has hit home runs on the Second Amendment and religious liberty. Things are not all bad. 

     "Arthur Milikh blames the loss of American culture on the Right's single-minded focus on economics, relegating moral and political questions to the status of 'social issues' and treating them as largely insignificant. 

     "Again, this ignores the impeachment of Bill Clinton, 'compassionate conservatism,' partial-birth abortion ban, and state constitutional amendments to defend traditional marriage.

     "Republicans did more than just cut taxes, ultimately winning on reversing Roe, but losing on defining marriage."

Conclusion on Monday

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