Thursday, September 28, 2023

All In the Family 

     Not that family. 

     Isn't it (fill in the word) that denominations find ways to be a little different than others? Who's to say they don't have reasons?

     But "there is one Lord, one faith and one (spiritual) baptism." We all answer to the King of kings, Lord of lords. We better be wearing wedding clothes when invited to the wedding banquet, or we will not be "chosen" Matthew 22:11-14. 

     There is one Jesus. With love, He purchased our unity. He wants us committed to each other. One body. One hope.

     We share the life. United in belief. We share in the "Lord's supper." (Some weekly. Some monthly. Some quarterly.) Whatever! 

     We gather to worship and to serve. 

     The church is the Father's family. The Son's bride. The home of the Holy Spirit (the helper; do we want his help ... or go it alone?). 

     Before He ascended, Jesus told his disciples they would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on them. And they would be his witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

     Some claim that miraculous power ceased after the first century, in the middle east. If that's so, how do missionaries continue witnessing to the ends of the earth? 

     Pastor Irwin Lutzer says, "He gave for us. What do we do for Him?

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