Tuesday, September 12, 2023

False Reporting


     "Attkisson says people disguised as reporters want to keep us from getting certain accurate information, viewpoints, or scientific studies that could harm their interests. 

     "Not everybody who goes into journalism intends to report facts and truth. Increasingly, people working at news organizations are those kinds of people. 

     "Even journalism groups, news organizations and journalism professors have changed what we through of as the news. They are proud to say that they have disregarded objectivity and neutrality, which they claim was overrated. That's like saying a good diet and exercise are overrated.

     "Journalism professors are teaching some of their kids that objectivity, neutrality and lack of bias are actually old-fashioned notions. So those getting into journalism are being taught to push narratives and convince people to think a certain way. 

     "Social media became another tool used by the same players in what I call the smear industry, to manipulate and influence public opinion. The same figures try to control what we see on social media, Google searches and the internet. 

     "I think this started with President Obama announcing in 2016, that somebody 'needed to step in and start curating information in this wild, Wild West media environment on the internet.'" 

To be continued, though Friday

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