Thursday, September 14, 2023

If We Were Neutral?


     Sharyl Attkisson - on reporters during national elections:

     "If we were a neutral news media, I think we would have gone in with a rational skepticism of things on the ground, watching for fraud, whether committed by foreign interests or politicians. In 2016 we were told Russia interfered. In 2020, we were told it would happen again. 

     "There are domestic actors, some still working in our government, who were accused, or found to have interfered politically with President Trump. An FBI official allegedly doctoring a document and improper wiretap. 

     "We saw the press, and it looked like Joe Biden was winning, they were telling the public in a very uncurious sense, 'Nothing to see. Nothing to examine.' Journalists didn't want to look. They were saying, 'There's no evidence,' as if evidence walks up to the door and asks to enter. 

     "There was a time when journalists would have looked for this evidence and would have viewed suspiciously attempts to block observation. Instead, we saw the media saying, 'Well, none of this matters.' 

     "First, when fraud was uncovered, 'Well there was no widespread fraud.' Then when there's quite a bit of perhaps fraud and abuse, we're told, 'Well, it wouldn't have made any difference. It doesn't involve enough votes.'

     "Many polls are used by news organizations, that determine whether they're released, that determine the questions and the headlines that come. Two elections in a row, (are) so wildly wrong."

To be continued 

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