Monday, September 4, 2023

Old and New Right 

conclusion, by Daniel Suhr

     "The 'old' and 'new' right agree on 90 percent of issues. The 'new' is less enthusiastic for military entanglements and more enthusiastic for government entanglement in markets at home (Big Tech, etc.). 

     "Both still share the same vision: strong families, vibrant communities, peace through strength, patriotism, prosperity and revitalized state and local governments. Some believe the left will do whatever it takes to win, and conservatives will keep losing if we aren't willing to fight fire with fire. 

     "An admonition, 'Love of America not hatred of the left, is our North Star.' 

     "The conversation within conservatism: What agenda advances our principles and can win the consistent support of the American people? And what are the right tone and tactics by which to advance that agenda?

     "Never forget: Winning ideas must be championed by the right messenger." 


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