Thursday, September 7, 2023

When evil is made to look like love  

             "For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." - 2 Cor. 11:13-14

     The library drag queen is appealing as she reads to toddlers. Abortion proponents only want it "legal, safe and rare." Then they encourage "Shout your abortion." Sexual deviators only want to "coexist," a strange word for squatters who would evict you from your house.

     Next comes assisted dying, gentle and reasonable. They "care." Why should the aged cancer patient suffer?

     Nazi genocide had its beginnings in a public health initiative. 

     Now it's not just octogenarians, the 2016 "medical assistance in dying" (MAID) extends to teenagers with mental illness. Soon, permission to die will become responsibility to die.

     People reach these conclusions with considerable help - patient indoctrination in how beautiful death is, and now noble to end your own life for the greater good of society. Women praise young adults for their socially conscious decision to forgo childbearing because of climate change. 

     The tyranny of evil looks like love until you mount resistance. Underneath the velvet glove there lurks the iron fist. 

Andree Seu Peterson, WORLD magazine

     The Left wants fewer people in America. And they know best who deserves to die. Reminds us of Japan, which used to send undesirables out to sea, never to return.

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