Friday, September 15, 2023

We No Longer Believe 


     "I think what we've done as an industry is create a crisis of confidence in our institutions. By refusing to cover things fairly and accurately, the people tend to not believe anything. Whether it's covering Black Lives Matter, the Dept. of Justice, prosecuting some crimes, not others, elections...government...there's just a crisis in confidence.

     "You look at coronavirus, there's a lack of confidence in our health institution. And they cause it. It's funny when the propagandists say, 'You're crazy to suspect X or Y' when they created suspicion in the first place. You were unpatriotic to wear a mask until you were unpatriotic if you don't.

     "I think this is all very dangerous. It's created by the powers that be, who try to dictate the narratives and then look at the public and say, 'What's wrong with you?' 

     "When I see something happening without the is different than what I read in a news story...which scares me. I try to go to the source, and I try to read alternate views. If I see everybody reporting something one way, I become suspicious. 

     "If everybody's reporting it using the same language, immediately I am skeptical. Who wants me to believe that and why? 

     "There is something (people) can do, and there is some hope in my book (Slanted:) And some sources you can turn to that I list. But don't give up. There are tens of millions of people who understand what's going on, and not be silent. I think we can pull out of this."

Sharyl Attkisson

Host of "Full Measure" on TV

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