Saturday, March 11, 2023

 While we await Monday's summary of Acts 14, miraculous signs...

today while driving to Home Depot, I was listening to the late Dr. Vernon McGee on radio saying he has "Pentecostal" friends, but "the gift of tongues, raising the dead, miraculous healing" etc. ended with the apostles in the first century. 

Maybe. What do I know? 

The commentary you will read on Monday claims extraordinary confirmation is still needed as we face hostile struggles in the last days. The following were written after the apostles (except for John) were either martyred or otherwise departed. 

        1 Tim. 4:1,   2 Tim. 3:1-13    Eph. 6:12   John 16:33  

"Lukewarm and compromising believers want peace" while the devil continues to be at war with our God. He can't harm God, but he can trouble God's children and our families.     

So, which is it? Dr. McGee said, be saved. But Paul said, be saved and put on the armor of God. 

Should we get better acquainted with the Spirit (our connection) Jesus gives us for good reason? The devil didn't quit after the apostles were gone. Should we be satisfied with the hope of salvation and nothing more?"  

You decide. 

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