Thursday, March 30, 2023

 About Critical Theories 

     Christians need wisdom when it comes to Critical Race Theory, and three new books seek to apply Biblical truth to the issue. CRT is a movement of activists and scholars engaged in transforming the relationship among race, racism and power.

     We haven't read these books, but if you are interested. CRT threatens America as we know it:

     Raising Victims: The Pernicious Rise of Critical Race Theory

        by Leonydus Johnson  - "How insidious such an ideology can be. It completely removes the agency of the individual and claims that outcomes are wholly dependent on invisible systems."

     Biblical Critical Theory 

        by French professor Christopher Walkin 

     Darwin Comes to Africa

        by Nigerian author Olufemi Oluniyi  -    "Darwin's ideas like survival of the fittest were rapidly assimilated in the social and political realm and used to justify various might makes right doctrines."

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