Monday, March 20, 2023

 Before Gov. Felix

Acts chapter 24

     Paul: "I believe everything that agrees with the Law and that is written  in the Prophets... The resurrection of the live forever, and the unrighteous, to rise to be judged by God. So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man" (vv. 24:14-16). 

(C)  His faith was in the Old Testament Scriptures as inerrant, infallible and trustworthy in all things. Many teachers of these last days claim to believe only "some things." 

     A clear conscience is one of our essential weapons for successful spiritual life.  

     Felix was frightened. The salvation of all people depends on the faithful proclamation of solemn truths by which the Spirit produces conviction in the sinner. 

Before Gov. Festus

Acts chapter 25

     Paul: "I have done nothing wrong against the law of the Jews or against the temple or against Caesar" (v. 25:8). 

(C)  Paul kept the oral law of the Old Testament. He knew the law's moral standards never change, any more than God changes. To him, the law is holy, good and spiritual (Romans 7:12, 14), expressing God's character and requirement for a righteous life. 

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