Wednesday, March 1, 2023

What is Right? 

Acts chapter 5

     The apostles (persons sent; formerly called disciples), were involved in healing and other miraculous signs and wonders. People in need came from surrounding towns. 

     Apostles were commanded (Acts 4) not to "speak in the Name." The high priest and associates were jealous, and had the apostles jailed. An angel freed them, and at daybreak they were teaching again. Unaware, the rulers sent for them, only to find the jail empty. But they found them in the temple courts and "without force" brought them before the Sanhedrin, again. 

     They had done wrong by doing right. 

     Peter and others said, "We must obey God. He raised Jesus to life and exalted him... We are witnesses, as is the Holy Spirit. 

     Rulers were furious, and some shouted, "Death!" But Gamaliel advised: "If their activity is of human origin, it will fail. If it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men. You will only find yourselves fighting against God."

     The apostles rejoiced, having been "counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name." 

(C)  The apostles healed (by the Spirit) those tormented by evil spirits. This was a sign that the kingdom of God had come among the people. It is never wrong to pray that through the Holy Spirit we might do good.

     A great question before every believer is not, "Is it expedient, safe, pleasurable or popular among other humans?" But, "What is right in the sight of God?" (Gal. 1:10)

     Pentecost without the lordship of Christ is impossible, for the Spirit in all his power is given only to those living in "obedience that comes from faith." 

     Tomorrow: Face of an angel

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