Saturday, March 4, 2023

 Where's Gamaliel now? 

     Friday: Acts 7 - a man who did no harm is stoned to death

     Monday: Acts 8 - the church is scattered

     Today we bridge the gap.

     The apostles were given power to heal, a welcome surprise, but are arrested for "teaching in his name." 

     Gamaliel quiets his restless fellow leaders: If this is human origin, they will fail. If it is of God, you can't fight against God.

     Fair enough.

     A large number of priests come to faith. Others stone Stephen to death for daring to claim their "fathers" killed the prophets.   

     Monday, a great persecution breaks out. Never mind Gamaliel; they'll settle this their way!

     It's all good. The persecuted will begin to spread the gospel elsewhere. 


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