Friday, March 24, 2023

Kingdom of God 

     The book of Acts breaks off with no formal conclusion to what God did through the Holy Spirit and the apostles. Our commentary concludes:


     Luke has revealed God's pattern of what the church should be and do. He has given us examples of the faithfulness of believers, the triumph of the gospel against the opposition of the enemy, and the power of the Holy Spirit operating in the church and among people. 

     All churches must measure themselves by what the Spirit said and did among the earliest believers. 

     If the power, righteousness, joy and faith found in our churches are not the same as what we read about in Acts, then we must ask God once more for a renewed faith in the resurrected Christ and for a fresh, new outpouring of his Spirit. 

"Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you; 

guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us."

2 Timothy 1:14

The last letter Paul wrote

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