Saturday, April 18, 2020

Who Said We Ended Slavery?                                <>

   The potential value of slave-made laptops, computers and mobile phones imported into G20 countries is $200.1 billion. 

   The potential value of slave-made garments imported into G20 countries is $127.7 billion. 

   The number of slaves per 1,000 persons in North Korea is 104.6 (10 percent), highest of modern slavery. 

   The number of slaves per 1,000 persons in Eritrea is 93, second highest.

   The number of slaves in the world is 40.3 million, according to the Walk Free Foundation. This includes 24.9 million working in forced labor (including those trafficked for sex) and 15.4 million persons in forced marriages. 

   The United States is rated "low" in terms of numbers of slaves and "strong" in terms of government response. However, the U.S. ranked highest in imports of products at risk of being produced by slave labor, with $144 billion in such imports.

Maybe the computer we're using to write and
send this blog was made by slave labor in China. 


Ready to go?           Not yet. Lucy has to put on her make up.

                   👴                                     👵             ☺


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