Thursday, April 9, 2020

Easter Approaches      
111 Failures

We don't expect you to read all the sins we found in New Testament verses. 
Just scan the whole and remember that our Lord Jesus took all these failures of commission and omission upon himself, nailed them to the cross...
and rose again on the third day. Glory to God. 

murder   false worship   self-centeredness   anger  lust
adultery  unfaithfulness   retaliation  hate   unforgiveness  worry
trust in treasure  love of money   judgmental  false prophecy 
ignoring commands    loving family more than Jesus 
disowning Jesus   careless words  callous heart  unbelief  doubt
theft   false testimony   dishonor   betrayal  pride
greed  self indulgence   unfruitful  injustice  hypocrisy   deception
failure to watch  failure to use talent   lying  blasphemy 
deceitfulness of wealth   reliance on traditions  immorality  malice
lewdness  envy  slander   arrogance  folly   mocking   insulting
false accusation   discontent  ungrateful  dishonesty 
self-righteous  betrayal  drunkenness   indecency   destruction
bearing no fruit  godlessness   wickedness  unnatural relations
depravity   strife   gossip  slander  insolence  arrogance
boasting  senselessness   faithless  heartless  ruthless
stubborness  self-seeking   cursing  idolatry
swindling   pagan revelry   grumbling  corruption  rash
treacherous  conceited   impatience   favoritism  deception
yoked with unbelievers   enslavement   obscenity  foolish talk 
coarse joking   disobedience  false humility  abusive
ungrateful  slanderous   brutal   idleness 
arrogance  godless chatter   false ideas   faithless
rebellious   worldly passion  divisive  grumbling   meddling
false prophecy  enticement   covetous   scoffing

The righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe ... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God ... and are justified freely by his grace ... God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood.     Romans 3:21-25 

Tomorrow:  Hot Tempers; Cold Temperatures

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