Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Dr. Arnn, Part 4  

Priorities of Congress    

   The president of Hillsdale College finds it "hard to admire the > $2 trillion bill Congress passed."  

   It included $25 million...$75 million...$324 million...$25 million and $78,000 for programs having no connection to our health crisis. And that's not all. 

   Describing the bill as "unworthy of a great democracy in a time of crisis," Dr. Arnn adds, "We certainly need to provide a safety net for workers. After that the most important thing is to end the shutdowns and restart the economy as soon as possible." 

   He approves of Art Laffer's case ... "that the only sensible policy is to cut taxes." Laffer proposes protection for companies with extended lines of credit or loan guarantees. And second, to waive the payroll tax for employees and employers through the end of this year." If not the best thing, it is the best kind of thing, he says. 

   "It is heartening to see in (governments around the country) frustration at not being able to end the economic shutdowns," Dr. Arnns says. "It is sad to see others who lack that sense of frustration." 

   "Winston Churchill wrote grave warnings in 1936, as Hitler consolidated power. His calls for rearmament were not sufficiently heeded to prevent the worst war in history."  

Friday's conclusion: The word, "civilization." 

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