Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A President's View    

   Are we responding correctly to the Wuhan virus?

   Thanks to a neighbor, we have a 10-page message from the president of Hillsdale College in Michigan, Dr. Larry Arnn. His background includes studies in statesmanship, political philosophy, the Constitution etc. Off and on this week and next, we'll share a few of his facts and opinions. 

   Dr. Arnn "isn't confident all the economic shutdowns in the U.S. are necessary." He notes that, "We spend an enormous amount of money on a bureaucracy that operates top down from the (CDC, FDA, NIH) and other agencies." 

   "I am told" he said,"that our national stockpile of (kits, masks, ventilators etc.) was depleted during the swine flu of 2009 and never built back up. The FDA (took) five years to approve a new ventilator design." 

   The agency now called the Communicable Disease Center (CDC) was created in 1942. By the 2000s, Dr. Arnn says, the CDC had become largely independent of political control. It took on addictions, nutrition, school health, injuries and racial and ethnic approaches to health. 

   In 2007, a review showed that the CDC "has spent hundreds of millions for failed prevention efforts, international junkets, and lavish facilities, but cannot demonstrate it is controlling disease." In recent years CDC has studied prevention of gun violence, how parents should discipline children and chronic health conditions among lesbian, gay and bisexual populations. In 2017 alone it spent more than 1.5 billion on purposes addressed by other federal agencies. 

   "The communist government of China...deserves the harshest criticism...for letting the crisis get out of control," he wrote. "The doctor who first sounded the alarm  (and later died of the virus) was disciplined...for 'spreading rumors' injurious to the state." The head of emergency at the Wuhan hospital condemned the government for its lies - specifically its denial that the virus was transferable between humans - and she has since disappeared, he said. 

Tomorrow: Fauci, Trump and China



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