Monday, April 6, 2020

From China to Rattlers    
   Chinese leaders lied about initial virus cases and other matters. Round the clock incinerations tell another story. Slave labor to prop up the economy is another indicator that all is not well.  

   An Italian physician, an atheist, now says, "We have reached our limits. We begin to feel that God begins where man ends." 

   A man in Beirut, Lebanon: "I worry more for my family about hunger than corona." 

   Some infected people with no symptoms can transmit the virus as many as 48 hours before before symptoms appear.  - the CDC 

   Around the world, animals and birds are invading public places in greater numbers, being more comfortable without normal human presence. In St. Petersburg, FL a large Eastern Diamondback did likewise. 

   In Philadelphia, a 14-year-old is using 3D equipment to make face shields for healthcare workers.

   North Korea's claim that they have no virus cases (1) may be due to the fact that few outsiders care to go there, or (2) they just shoot those infected. 



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