Thursday, April 23, 2020

A President's View     
Part 2

   Dr. Arnn wrote that Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH, " late as January 26, said that the American public shouldn't worry about the coronavirus outbreak in China. President Trump, much criticized at the time, stopped flights from China on February 2."   

   "One needed response..." Dr. Arnn said, referring to Sen. Cotton's legislation, is 
"to return pharmaceutical manufacturing to the United States. How many of us realized...the extent of our dependence on China for medical drugs and supplies? How many of us knew that China produces around 40 percent of total world supply of active pharmaceutical ingredients, 97 percent of the U.S. market for antibiotics, and 50 percent of the world's surgical masks?"

   Claiming these facts should have raised red flags at the CDC, Dr. Arnn quotes Winston Churchill in 1934: 
We cannot afford to confide the safety of our country 
to the passions...of any foreign nation... We must be independent. 
We must be free. We must preserve our full latitude and discretion of choice. 

   He adds, "We should look at how much money the NIH, CDC and other U.S. public health agencies give to China, and reconsider that largess. We should also reconsider our support of the World Health Organization. WHO spends two times more on travel than on medical supplies, and it has defended and parroted the lies of the communist Chinese if it were a wholly owned subsidiary.  

   "Taiwan," he said, "reported concerns about the coronavirus to the WHO in late December but was ignored. Taiwan was barred from participating in the WHO in 2016 at China's insistence. Taiwan was excluded from attending, even as an observer, the Emergency Committee meeting convened by the WHO in January to determine the potential for a pandemic." 
Next week: Should scientific expertise run our government?


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