Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Real   
Highway to Heaven    
   Once, along the Pennsylvania Turnpike, there were seven tunnels through the mountains. Dad at the wheel, his son looked forward to each dimly-lit tunnel and minutes later emerging into daylight. 

   With this image in mind, consider great-grandpa's attempt to explain Hebrews chapter 10. We are born into a tunnel - okay, it's a very large tunnel. It is dimly lit, spiritually speaking; mankind sees poorly. 

Off to School 
   Out of all the travelers, God chose an ordinary man and made promises that only Almighty God could fulfill. Later, to teach the concept of sin, through Moses God laid down the law, itself a dim reality. 

   He directed high priests to sacrifice animals to atone for people's sins, knowing their guilt remained. God was preparing the way for the only sacrifice that would satisfy the demands of holiness.

   He revealed his perfect plan in Psalm 40:6-8. Through the prophet Jeremiah (31:33,34) God promised to write his laws on the hearts and minds of believers.
Jesus the Son, our High Priest, became the obedient, voluntary, sinless sacrifice...once for all time. 

   Unbelievers travel the tunnel with believers, sometimes causing harm. But, like Abraham, true believers trust God for better and lasting possessions, a rich reward in the city of God. They live by faith (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38) always drawing near to God.

Let There Be Light
   At death, the Lord draws redeemed souls out of the tunnel and to their eternal homes. 

   For those who learn truth but continue to sin, there is no sacrifice. They show contempt for truth, disregard the blood that saves, insult the Spirit of grace, and trample the Son of God. 

   "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, leaving a fearful expectation of judgment and raging fire." 

   There is an end to this tunnel. The "rider on the horse" captures the beast and false prophet, and by his Word destroys the armies making war against himself. 
Birds will gorge themselves on flesh. (Revelation 19:19-21.)

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