Saturday, October 14, 2017

One-Sixth of the Economy   
Operating on Healthcare    

   Now that Congress has failed to cure dysfunctional Obamacare, President Trump is taking the end-around path of his predecessor: Executive Orders. 

   This may be better than nothing, but Congress needs to legislate whatever sensible ideas emerge, or the next administration could reverse it all...especially if the next leadership is Big Government oriented. 

   Association plans will be encouraged for people who need coverage, or better coverage and lower premiums. At least one such plan - involving Christians - has been successful for years. Members pay in; those with needs, benefit. 

   Free market approaches, like insurance competition across state lines, would lower premiums. Trump calls for more choices, allowing people to opt for a plan that best suits them, rather than paying for broad plans they may not need.

   Insurance companies and other players oppose changes that affect their wallets, like the unconstitutional subsidies they've been receiving. Elected officials have a choice between serving special interests or answering to "we the people." Lobbyists have an advantage; they contribute more to re-election campaigns. So, game on! 

   Monday, we plan to include ideas put forward by two doctors who identify cost drivers, and ways to do things better and fairer for all Americans. 


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