Friday, October 27, 2017

Get Rich With Creative Writing      

   Your website can make money with absurd posts and other fake news, through advertising revenue. One man makes about $1,000 a month. Two others say they made up to $40,000 a month during the 2016 election season.

   You need common online services and the tech savvy to set up a website. Advertising networks are third parties that connect advertisers with website publishers. When someone clicks on their ad, advertisers pay, often fractions of a cent per click.

   Another method is sponsored content companies, using roughly the same principles, with ads resembling news stories that aren't. A grid of boxes are designed to attract attention.

   It doesn't matter if the content is real or not. The publisher will end up with $ based on the number of certain clicks. 

   Attempts to curb fake news from making money are only partially successful.

Go For the Gold
   Two death stars have collided in our solar system, spewing out tons of gold, most of which rained on our county. Come and get it while it lasts. 
   Click here for directions.    

Aviatrix Lives!!!   
   Amazing. Amelia Earhart survived her flight over the Pacific after all. Read her unbelievable story on the next page, and learn where she plans to fly next.
   Double click here.      

"United" States at Last   
   Our two political parties have seen the light and agreed to unite in one great American force for good. All politicians have sworn off smearing one another in a pledge titled, Love Your Opponent as Yourself. 
   Put your right hand over your heart; with your left hand, click here.    
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