Monday, October 30, 2017

How We Got Here       

   Unrest simmered on two fronts.

   Thomas More (see Sunday's blog) was distressed by Europe's long history of egotistic kings. In 1516, he published Utopia, a novel based on an "ideal" political system governed by reason. 

   His fictional island was ruled by pagans. He used the word "communists." 

   More's novel (we haven't read it) dealt with state controlled education, a multi-religion society, divorce, euthanasia and women's rights. (500 years ago!)

   His bio lists him as a humanist. It would be several years before King Henry VIII "discovered" More and brought him into his inner circle.   

The other front
   A year after Utopia, Martin Luther in Germany argued against what he saw as unbiblical conduct and doctrine at high levels in the church. Luther's thesis was sent to the Pope. We don't know how he reacted, but turmoil eventually led to a religious war - the universal church vs. the protesters. 

   Meanwhile, King Henry VIII asserted himself into church politics, and continued his monarchical rule over England's people. In all, he had six wives, two of whom he divorced and two were beheaded. One of his daughters we know as Queen (Bloody) Mary. 
In the 1700's  
   Educated people in the American colonies were taking notes. Revolution was necessary, but eventually they developed - not utopia - but historic reformation of government. 

   We have freedom of speech, religion, assembly and the press. We have justice, balance of powers, general welfare, and the right to speedy trial by peers without cruel and unusual punishment. We have the right to petition government for redress of grievances, and to be secure in our homes without unlawful searches.

   We don't practice all this perfectly, for sure, but let's remember the alternatives, and be thankful.


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