Sunday, October 22, 2017

   Her Same Adorable Self   

Two weeks ago today, you read here an excerpt from Bella's Gift, 
written by Karen Santorum about her daughter Isabella,
born nine years ago with a genetic condition, Trisomy 18, 
Edward's Syndrome. The secular world considers such 
children unworthy of life. This family passionately disagrees. 

Today - former Senator Rick Santorum, just her Daddy: 

"Bella lights up like a Christmas tree when she sees me,
as well as the others who love and care for her.
I become overwhelmed with gratitude that God gave her
the ability to know us and clearly express her love for us.

"As I thanked God for giving Bella that gift, 
it suddenly dawned on me that my relationship with Bella is like
the Father's relationship with me. Like Bella, in the eyes of the Lord
I am totally disabled. And like Bella, all I can really do for him, 
all he really wants from me, is to love him.

"Am I as excited to be with our Lord as Bella is to be with me? 
Am I most content when I am close to our Lord?

"It's as simple as it can get. I love her and she loves me.
There are no expectations, no disappointments, no drama,
no bad days, and no arguments.
Bella is just her same adorable self every day." 

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