Sunday, October 8, 2017

  A Child Shall Lead Them  

Baby Isabella wasn't supposed to live. 
The medical community said so.
Trisomy 18, Edwards Syndrome: a third chromosome 18 in every cell.

Parents Rick, former U.S. senator and presidential candidate, and Karen Santorum fought to give their baby every hope, no matter the burdensome challenges. 

Their book, Bella's Gift, is an extraordinary story of faith, hope, family, 
friends, courage and most of all, love. Bella is now nine years old.
Following are a few lines written by Karen, "Mama Bear."

    "She relies completely on us for food, shelter, care and love. Yet, in the same way, isn't that how God must see us? We are the lost, wandering lambs from the fold, who depend completely on the Shepherd for life, mercy and redemption.

   "Infinitely more broken and dependent than Bella, ours is a spiritual, not a physical weakness. We're more dependent than Bella, because we have more and therefore want more, and feel pain, distress and anxiety when we lose something or don't get what we think we need or want. 

   "All Bella knows, in her total dependency, is the love that surrounds her every moment. And what is the fruit of her total dependency and her being sustained by love? 

   "It is her love that radiates every moment of every day. We see it in the joy in her eyes, the breadth of her smile, the song of her giggle, and the squeeze of her hand. We can do nothing of any measure for Him, save loving Him. Bella teaches that is enough. 

   "We burden and lift burdens; it's all part of being the body of Christ; it's all part of loving Christ more completely."


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