Wednesday, February 21, 2024

 What to Look For

     A few notes before we begin Hebrews. 

     The author explains God's revelation and redemption in Jesus Christ. He shows that God's provisions under the old covenant have been fulfilled and replaced by the new covenant through Jesus' atoning death.

     No more slaughter of animals. 

     He challenges his readers (1) to hold on to their confession of Christ until the end, (2) to go on to spiritual maturity and (3) not to turn back to condemnation. 

Eight major features

1. It begins like a study, then like a sermon, and ends like a letter.

2. Close to classical Greek style.

3. The only writing with the concept of Jesus' high priestly ministry.

4. More than 20 names and titles for Christ. 

5. Key word is "better." Jesus is better than angels. 

6. Foremost chapter in the Bible on faith

7. OT references providing insight into early Christian interpretation of OT history and worship. 

8. Warning about spiritual apostasy more than any other NT writing.

Tomorrow: Son superior to angels

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