Monday, February 5, 2024

I Can't Believe This 

I mean, I believe the angel; just, how can this happen to a nobody/blogger? 

Me: Angel, sir, did Abraham know about Noah and the flood?

Angel: I know only what I'm told. Certainly, Abraham saw rainbows.

Me: Sir, did Abraham know about Moses, who lived much later? 

Angel: The Lord said to Abraham, "Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years. In the fourth generation your descendants will come back here..." Moses was born at a time when Pharaoh had ordered that every boy born to Hebrew women be thrown into the river. Eighty years later, the Lord chose Moses, a humble, reluctant shepherd of his father-in-law's flock, to lead Abraham's children out of Egypt. 

Me: Moses' staff became a snake...and all the plagues... Holy cow! ...oops...  Sorry, holy angel. It's just so exciting. Back to Abraham, when he fell into a deep sleep and the 'firepot and torch' - not himself - passed between the halves, didn't God intend that to be his covenant with all Abraham's descendants? 

Angel: Yes.

Me: And a blessing for all time for all nations?

Angel: Yes. 

Me: The trust, obedience and effort to be this required of Abraham's heirs and all who follow his example of true saving faith?

Angel: The Lord calls on all men to follow his precedent, and to be aliens and strangers on earth, as was Abraham. 

Me: This is starting to connect the dots.  

Angel: It has always been so. Nevertheless, God has his purpose. 

to be continued

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