Sunday, February 18, 2024

 Opposing Israel's Existence 

2nd of two 

     Pastor Pileggi said, "The lie that's being spread in the West is that Hamas is reacting to the occupation. No, they're fighting against the existence of Israel." 

     "I don't know how many times," he said, "thoughtful Israelis have told me they simply suspect that all this Christian love and outpouring of support for Israel is not based on anything, but that it's our way of somehow engineering the return of Jesus." 

     Since its founding in 1849, his church has always had a contingent of Jewish Christians. It also has an Arabic service and a ministry to Arabs and Muslims that includes legal aid, food and medicine, and plans for helping the West Bank's deaf community. Pileggi said the global Church should be careful not to turn all Muslims into enemies. 

     "We are talking about an ideology that's quite dangerous, but also millions of people who are made in the image of God," he said. 

     Heavy Israeli bombing has killed more than 24,000 Palestinian civilians and militants, according to Hamas. Nearly half of Gaza's structures have been destroyed. The enclave likely will take decades to rebuild, and many churches have teams of people ready to go to work. 

     Amid the practical and political planning, Pastor Pileggi said, "Christians should keep the spiritual elements of the conflict in mind. It should drive us to our knees to pray. It should cause us to be more missional and to act ethically and morally, even when those around us no longer do so." 

   Tomorrow: some hints on what's to come

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