Wednesday, February 7, 2024

An Eyewitness Report

Who can we believe? Our "visiting" angel said he doesn't know everything. 

Angel: We know that a man, formerly a tax collector for Rome, chosen by Jesus to be a disciple, wrote the genealogy from Abraham to Christ. Decades after the ascension, most fellow Jewish believers belonged to the next generation.

Me: I would want to know more about this Son of God claiming to be my Savior! 

Angel: Relying on Jewish revelation, promises and prophesy, Matthew used Jewish terminology such as "kingdom of heaven," rather than "kingdom of God," in reverence for the name. His was an eyewitness report. Most people rejected the Son, despite his miracle power. He came as spiritual rather than the political messiah they expected. They knew him to be born of a woman, raised in little Nazareth.     

Me: So, while many agree somewhat on the records from Genesis to Malachi, those who accept the spiritual Christ/Messiah, follow "the way." Not there aren't endless differences among men. 

Angel: Sadly so. 

Me: Some emphasize philosophy, wisdom and learning.   

Angel: We don't use that word.

Me. What word, sir?

Angel: Where is the wise man? the scholar? the philosopher? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? Beware deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and basic principles of the world. In Christ are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

to be continued

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