Monday, February 12, 2024

Politics: Cover for Coveting

Excerpts from Joel Belz, WORLD magazine.

     Three percent of U.S. taxpayers pay more in income taxes than the other 97 percent combined. And they're accused of not paying their "fair share." 

     Wealthy as our nation is, it isn't wealthy enough to do everything we have committed to. We've far passed a reasonable level of credit, both nationally and individually. Politicians call for higher taxes on the rich (ironically themselves), taking advantage of envy and class covetousness. 

     The Tenth Commandment - you shall not covet - forbids any discontentment with our own estate. Try hanging that on any wall where tax policy is discussed. Anyway, those who covet do not benefit at all even if the rich have to pay more. 

     It doesn't matter much anymore how we change things. All taxpayers together haven't enough money to change the fact that we've spent ourselves into oblivion. There's not much left to covet, even if "the rich" paid 100 percent.

 October 2012     13+ years ago


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