Sunday, February 11, 2024

The King is Coming 

Me: Thank you, thank you, holy angel. You came to answer my questions. I'll never deserve his grace and forgiveness, but I'll never again let the Lord's suffering be in vain on my account. I do have one more question; the book of Hebrews, who wrote it? 

Angel: Fix your mind on what he wrote: "By faith, Abel... by faith, Enoch... by faith, Noah... by faith, Abraham... All these people were still living by faith when they died. They were aliens and strangers on earth. They were looking for a better country. By faith, Issac... by faith, Jacob... by faith, Joseph... by faith, Moses' parents... by faith, Moses. 

Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and the prophets. There was torture, flogging, chains, stoning, persecution, mistreatment, poverty and such. These were all commended for their faith, yet not one of them received what had been promised. God planned something better. 

Me: Oh...I'm glad we aren't being tortured and such. 

Angel: Beware. That ancient serpent (Genesis 3), who is the devil, or Satan, has not yet been bound. There will be wars and rumors of wars, nation vs. nation. People of Israel will be handed over to be persecuted ...hated by all nations. Expect betrayal, until the gospel has been preached in the whole world. 

Me: We detest this hatred toward Israel.  

Angel: You believers are despised as well. The world seeks tyranny over your will, your life and your liberty. Despotism seeks to replace consent. Trust only in my Lord, your Savior. 

(2,000 years ago) He says, Yes, I am coming soon. His disciple John, in old age, was granted a vision...heaven standing open, a white horse whose rider is called Faithful and True. His name is the Word of God. With the armies of heaven, he will strike down the nations - and rule them from Jerusalem for a thousand years. KING of kings, LORD of lords.

     Silence......     No more questions......      


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