Sunday, February 4, 2024

Angel to the Rescue 

     Abraham passed the test, and his descendants and "all nations" would be blessed. 4,000 years later, we look around. And we say, "huh?" 

     If only we could get the attention of an angel on Jacob's ladder...anyone up there who might shed light on our darkness.   

     A voice! 

     What's that? Who is this?

Angel: We knew your request before you asked. I have been sent to help, though you will not see me. 

Me: (now on my knees, shaking) I...I...I...ah...who are you sir?

Angel: My name is not important. My God and your God sent me. Is it Abraham you wish to know? 

Me: (collecting myself) Well, I can hardly think. Ahhhh... Okay. Yes. Did Abraham, that is Abram, after all those centuries, know about Adam? 

Angel: Abraham told Melchizedek, king of Salem, "I have raised my hand to the Lord, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth." 

Me: (?? okay) Did Abraham actually meet God? Does God ever appear as a man? 

Angel: In the record you call Genesis, chapter 18... The Lord appeared as a man to Abraham 25 years after he first promised he would father a great nation. Two other men with God were angels. These visits occur, but you men are mostly unaware. 

Me: (getting bold) You know, after Abram knew the awesome promise, to save his life he told Pharoah that his attractive wife Sarai was his sister. Later, God said Sarah would have a son, though both of them were beyond 'the age,' you know. Abraham told King Abimelech the same thing he told Pharoah. As if God wouldn't protect him. 

[There being no response, you know, I hadn't asked him a question]

To be continued


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