Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Show Me; Teach Me 

     Show me your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. - Psalm 25:4


     Like Moses, the psalmist longed intensely to know God's ways. It is possible for us to know something about God's acts but never really know God or to understand his ways (the principles by which he works in us and guides us). 

(1) We must have a sincere desire to be led into God's righteous ways and the truth of his Word. 

(2) We must be eager to put our hope in God "all day long." - (v. 5) 

(3) We must humbly submit to God (v.9), commit ourselves to godly living (v. 10) and fear the Lord (vv. 12-14). 

(4) Since sin is a barrier to knowing God and his ways we must forsake sin and be cleansed and forgiven. (vv. 4-8). 

(5) Adversity in our lives is not necessarily a sign of God's disfavor (Psalm 34:15). Knowing God and his ways may lead us into suffering and loss. (Acts 14:22; 20:22-23).  

     The ultimate example is Jesus himself, who followed God's will perfectly, yet suffered sorrow, betrayal and the cross. 

Tomorrow: Who is blessed?



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