Friday, July 1, 2022

Believe the Miracles...or the brothers 

     We have finished our series on miracles in the Bible. There were 58 chapters...which sounds more cool than 58 blogs. 

     Jesus told his accusers, Though you don't believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I in the Father. 

     They didn't buy it. 

     Later, they admitted there were miracles. But they had to silence this carpenter's son from little Nazareth, who was drawing people away from them - their control, their "laws" and their self-importance. 

     Suffering on the cross, Jesus forgave them. They didn't know. 

     There were two men who were not self-important, though they were half-brothers of Jesus. 

     James and Jude grew up with their oldest brother. Apparently they knew nothing of his baptism in the Jordan or his 40 days in the desert. When Jesus began interacting with the people, his family tried to take him home, thinking he had lost his senses. They didn't know.   

     After Jesus completed his mission, and the Holy Spirit came upon those who believed in him: 

     James, leader of the Jerusalem church about A.D. 45, wrote to Jewish believers to correct erroneous ideas about faith. He began, "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ." 

     Some 30 years later, Jude wrote to counter "false teachers," beginning: "Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James." 

     There was no boasting, being half-brothers of God incarnate.

     As for miracles, they teach us the supremacy of the unseen world. Our world is inferior. His world is eternal. Our world will disappear. 

     Take it from the brothers, convinced that Jesus is "the way, the truth and the life," as he said. Now you know. 




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