Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Who Will Say Something?    
   Christians and Muslims respect the life of Moses. But, as for the Person of God and how to relate to him, we are a world apart. 

   When it comes to persecution against people of faith, some Muslims single out other faiths, and some even turn on their own, as happened with ISIS in Iraq. 

   There are dictatorships that don't distinguish between faiths. Any faith is a threat to their domination, and people who don't fall in line, as in Hong Kong, can expect serious trouble.

   Today, China imprisons Muslim minorities in the Xijiang region. It's called "reeducation." We don't know the background.

   Leader Xi Jinping ordered officials to show "absolutely no mercy." The New York Times apparently received numerous leaks, some of them said to be from a Communist Party leader. Not everyone agrees with imprisonment for reeducation.  

   Is the world Muslim community speaking up, like it would when someone blasphemes Muhammed? Not that we know of. 

   Nor can the victims count on world leaders and businesses with financial interests in far as we know. Well, then, should Christian leaders speak up?

   Chinese officials have scripts to follow in speaking with relatives of the imprisoned. Like, their family members have "unhealthy thoughts. It's hard to eradicate viruses in thinking in a short time." 

   Xi also tells officials, according to leaks, "Don't underestimate the psychological effects of religious extremism. It takes a painful 'interventionary' treatment." 

   Who will say something, even if it falls on deaf ears? Someday, Christ followers with "unhealthy thoughts" may need to be reeducated, unless the rapture comes first. Jesus forewarned that the world will persecute his followers. It should be no surprise.


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