Thursday, November 14, 2019

Saved from Capitation    
   You might be happy to know we have been "released from capitation." Not to be confused with decapitation.

   Capitation is a term our HMO uses to assign members to various specialists, without consulting us. Capitate has to do with the head, or head of a household. Our dictionary thinks capitation is a tax imposed on the head person. It knows nothing about HMO capitation.

   Our optometrist recommended a minor surgery. He suggested a certain eye center, while our primary care doc had another in mind. Neither one accepts our HMO, so now what? 

   The HMO informed me I'm a captive of an eye center of which I'm definitely not captivated. We'll just forgo the surgery, or..........

   A phone call to an eye center a half mile from home, where we had the same surgery 12 years ago (different insurance), was promising. They aren't associated with our HMO, but have an agreement to serve anyone in our ZIP code. Okay. 

   Getting decapitated - oops, we mean released from capitation - required a series of phone calls that might embarrass even the U.S. Government. But, hooray, we prevailed. 

Can't Have Competition   
   Churches in Algeria are at risk of closure. Authorities have already closed 12 evangelical churches, including two of the largest. Notice the difference. 

   If Christianity and Judaism forced believers in ways Islam does in their regions of domination, where would be the free will and faith the Lord most desires? In Iran, a Muslim convert to Christianity was jailed from 2013 until this year for "propaganda against the Islamic Republic." 

Our Dear Rep. Schiff
   How in our democratic experiment can a lawmaker who repeatedly lied that he had solid evidence of collusion with Russia still be in committee leadership, even conducting impeachment hearings? Be afraid, fellow citizens. 


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