Friday, November 8, 2019

To Be or Not to Be...Famous   

   Upon reviewing our audience stats, it is clear we will never be famous. Although at least one reader in 53 different countries has clicked on Views By the Sea - most of them once only. If only...

   We're all born with ego. "Look at what I drew." "It's mine!" "No." 

   And maybe we end with an ego. "My obit must include every single accomplishment." 

   Some people deserve fame with years of greatness. Others achieve the "15 minute" variety. 

   A person can be famous for both positive and negative reasons. Good fame might be sullied quickly with a human boo-boo, or if a secret leaks out. (politicians, clergy, entertainers, athletes, etc.) 

   Funny how some people strive for fame, only to buy a remote mansion behind gates and hire armed guards. 

   A writer who inspired us to copy-cat him (here) notes that celebrities are expected to play the part in public for their matter what's happening in their personal life. Some athletes didn't get the memo.   

   Being an obscure blogger has its positives. Tonight, I'll set out the garbage without paparazzi swarming my lawn.

   Tomorrow, I'll exchange waves with a neighbor walking the dog as I drive off to the store or gym. 

   We do share this much with the rich and famous: People still call asking for money in one form or another.

   But, no one gets my autograph. I use them all up signing personal checks to pay the bills. 

   And I'm well aware that whether or not neighbors attend my funeral will depend entirely on the weather.  

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